Do Natural Products Actually Kill Common Pests?

by | Mar 26, 2023 | 0 comments

The list of problems pests can create for a homeowner is endless. They spread disease and cause damage to your home. If you suffer from a pest problem, act quickly. The following information will provide you with tips on what you can do to take care of any pests that you see.

Use steel wool to fill up mouse holes. While rats and mice can easily chew lots of materials, steel wool is too tough. Use steel wool to clog any opening more than 1/2 inch in width. Small pests can squeeze through these tiny openings.

Use a spray for outdoor perimeters to make insects avoid entering your house. Try spraying your foundation, porch, steps, doors, and windows. While you spray, look around for crevices that pests can use as an entrance point to your home. Use caulk or another type of filler to seal the open areas.

It is very important that you put up any food that is not being eaten. Food scents attracts many different kinds of insects. Also, when your trash is full, be sure to take it out right away. Scent from trash also attracts pests.

Mint can be useful in dealing with mice. Plan mint around the perimeter of your house. This will cause mice to move elsewhere. Mint leaves are a great tool when trying to ward off mice. Mice usually don’t like mint leaves, but you have to remember to keep fresh ones out.

Check every foot of your home for pests, as no area is immune. Your home can be affected by underground termites if part of it lies under the ground. Therefore, it is important to do a comprehensive check of your basement as well.

As soon as you notice fallen trees in your yard, eliminate them. Be sure to cut up the trunk and branches for use as firewood. Give it away or sell it if you don’t have a use for it yourself. Don’t just let the stump rot in your yard, though. Stumps are just dead pieces of wood, and these attract termites.

Avoid using mouse and rat poisons if you have free-running pets in the home. If your pet plays with or eats a dead or sick rat, the poison can get inside it. You should also not use these kinds of things if you have kids around. They can mistake the pellets for candy.

Do some research on the kind of insect or rodents that are invading your home. Find out what repels them and what attracts them. A strategy that is tailored to the exact pest you are facing is most likely to be effective in eradicating it.

As you can see, there are many choices when it comes to pest control. Keep in mind the advice that you’ve just learned, and put it to good use. There is also no shame in asking for assistance, if you need it. No matter how you decide to get rid of your pest problem, the important thing is that you do something.

Written By Shane

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