Pest Control: Tips That Will Help You

by | Mar 25, 2023 | 0 comments

Many creatures will attempt to make their home in a house. Unfortunately, sharing space with these critters is not a good idea due to spread of disease and unsanitary conditions. When it’s time to stamp them out, this is the article for you.

Do fruit flies keep coming back after you get rid of them? The weak link might be your drains. Try taping some saran wrap over your drain for a day or two and watch if fruit flies pop up. If so, put some boiling water in your drain and scrub it well. This should rid your drains of fruit flies.

Do not buy a house unless a professional inspection has been done. While some pests are easy to see, others aren’t as noticeable.

If you have had a bedbug infestation and you think they are all gone, be careful. Bedbugs don’t have to eat for a whole year. You need to plug all holes in the home. Bedbugs will disappear if they have nowhere to hide.

Bushes should be at least about a foot from the house. Insects and other pests are naturally attracted to bushes. Placing bushes too close to the house is an open invitation for pests to invade.

Avoid planting trees too close to the house if your home is prone to rat or mouse infestation. Rodents are proficient climbers, and they can use trees to gain access to your home. A good rule is to keep trees about 15 feet or more away from your house.

Mice will come into your trailer if you leave it in storage during the fall or winter. There are natural repellents which are very effective at discouraging the unwanted guests. Small sachets of rodent repellent are nontoxic and pleasant smelling, while preventing mice from making their way into your camper or RV.

Make sure that you do not incorporate rat poison in your pest control regimen if you have a dog or cat. Cats and dogs that catch and eat poisoned rodents become poisoned themselves. These types of bait are also inappropriate if you have children. Kids might think that the rat posion is candy.

Store your dry foods in plastic containers. The majority of dry goods are packaged in bags or boxes that are easily penetrated by pests. Every time you go shopping, transfer your foods into plastic containers right away. Plastic containers are very good. They keep a tight seal and maintain the food’s freshness.

Learn more information about the rodents or insects that are taking over your house. It is a good idea to see what exactly is attracting them to your house and the best way to get rid of them. Adjusting your methods based on the pest is critical.

Extinguishing pest infestations is not always easy, but you should be prepared to do that now. In order to get results, you have to invest the required effort into the task. Use these techniques to get your place cleaned of pests more quickly.

Written By Shane

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