Fantastic Pest Control Tips You Can Start Using Today

by | Mar 26, 2023 | 0 comments

No homeowner likes having pests. All pests must go! The only way you can do this is to look at what other people have done that has helped them take care of things.

Use steel wool to plug any holes that may be an entrance way for pests, like mice. While rats and mice can chew through them, the thin metal strands are too tough to chew. Openings measuring more than 1/2 an inch need stuffing. Animals can get through very small openings.

You can kill stinging insects around your home with hairspray. The hairspray kills the insects, and the residual odor repels new ones from emerging.

Find out what the ordinances and codes in your building are to find out what is allowed for pest control. You do not want to use harmful chemicals that contaminate your home and make it hard to sell in the future. It’s rare for that to happen, but it should prompt you to use safe and legal methods.

Keep pests out of your home by using a perimeter spray outside. Spray areas around your house, like the windows and doors, steps and the foundation. When spraying, look for small cracks where pests can come in. Use a caulk or sealer to plug these small areas off.

Get an exterminator with a trained termite dog to find out if there are termites in your home. A dog can find termites better than a person who inspects homes for pests. A well-trained, termite sniffing dog can find all of them. Dogs cannot be beat. These dogs sniff out methane gas, which directly comes from termites eating your wood.

If you have been the victim of a recent bedbug infestation and have taken steps to eradicate them, be vigilant. Bedbugs can remain dormant for up to a year. So it is important to close all points of entry. The bugs won’t have anywhere to hide when their sanctuary is sealed off.

Bedbugs hide in a variety of locations, making them hard to completely get rid of. Before you call the exterminator, seal off any cracks or crevices. Then, they will have no where to hide or come back in from.

Fleas are notoriously hard to rid your home of, however, there are quite a few things that are able to help you if you wish to rid yourself of them. The first thing you have to do is use a vacuum every day and then you spray a good flea spray. Don’t forget to throw the vacuum bag in the trash outside when you’re done vacuuming.

If you want to control pests in your home, check your plumbing. Never leave a sink, bathtub or toilet clogged for any longer than you have to. Organic matter forms in these drains, creating a big attraction for roaches and flies. Check your drains every month.

Just use the above tips to get rid of your pest once and for all. Try to do each thing, and figure out what works best so you’ll soon be rid of them. You will be happy you made the effort to get things sorted out.

Written By Shane

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